Faster 5G Rollout with Machine Learning
Do you bemoan your phone’s wireless speed? Do you wish it would not take so long to load a webpage? How about all those dropped calls? With faster speeds and data latency reduction, 5G is set to bypass our current wireless 4G expectations and transform the world.
5G is the 5th generation of cellular wireless, the next evolution of the wireless market. It’s not merely an upgrade from 4G, such as faster speed; it’s designed to expand the limitations of 4G and meet the ever-growing demands of consumer expectations.
But don’t worry! You will still be able to use 4G on your 5G phone. Therefore, if you go out of a 5G covered area you will still be able to use your phone. As the rollout continues, networks will become even faster.
But we all know how long the 4G rollout took to reach nationwide coverage. Too much time! If you want to get ahead of the curve and begin to implement 5G even faster, machine learning solutions are the ticket!
How will 5G affect the economy?
Not only does 5G affect the Telecom industry, but also government, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and many more. Many industries that depend on wireless capabilities will likely be affected by the benefits 5G networks will bring.
IHS Markit1 estimates that “potential global sales activity across multiple industry sectors enabled by 5G could reach $13.2 trillion in 2035. By 2035, the entire range of 5G use cases will be fully ramped up and organizations will have evolved their business models to take full advantage of 5G.”
That is a staggering amount of money that will be poured into the sale of 5G related items and services. Companies will spend the next decade preparing to become 5G qualified. What do we mean by that?
Consumers always want more and better everything. If your company isn’t the fastest and brightest, you’ll be left in the dust by the competition. Nowadays, pretty much everything is run off 4G. If you are running on 3G or dial-up, you are either in a niche market or have a tenuous hold on your customers.
Applying machine learning capabilities can help you stay ahead of the competition and continue to outpace them. So many things can be discovered through the power of practical artificial intelligence and machine learning. Insights into risk, highlighting opportunities, and building a strong business strategy are just the beginning.
How ElectrifAi helps Telecom providers rollout 5G
ElectrifAi is directly helping Telecom providers in the US with one of their biggest initiatives to date: 5G rollout. Our machine learning models are providing insights to market one of the strongest networks available to consumers and businesses. We’re involved in helping them market and sell devices tied to the 5G rollout, broadening the take rate of 5G capabilities across the consumer base.
While the end goal is to achieve nationwide 5G coverage, it’s a rollout effort that takes time to set up networks and towers. ElectrifAi machine learning models help to locate people in 5G eligible areas and market towards those potential customers.
As this industry continues to expand 5G availability, our ability to add uplift for large Telecom providers’ marketing efforts will continue to grow. As the infrastructure expands, our models may assist your company in being able to bring further revenue to meet your marketing needs and to add value to your bottom line.
Use Case
ElectrifAi completed a marketing campaign to sell a new 5G eligible phone for a client. Our models were used to predict the highest likelihood for handset change or adding a line using data sets including customers located in zip codes already covered by a 5G network.
This campaign used a combination of models to create the perfect marketing strategy. We use logic to create a model that can continuously learn based on the data provided. As 5G networks adapt and business requirements change, the models we use take all that into account to provide the most insightful and actionable solutions.
Overall 5G
- The number of 5G mobile subscriptions worldwide2 is forecast to exceed 2.7 billion by 2025, with North East Asia, North America, and Western Europe having the most 5G subscriptions.
- We work with Telecom providers to activate subscribers
- We identify which subscribers are located in 5G eligible areas
- With machine learning models we are able to identify a variety of areas with high adoption across active 5G device promotions
Added value
Across ElectrifAi’s engagements related to 5G in Telecom, our models provide value by showing tests performing stronger than the control across key incremental uplift metrics.
Adaptable machine learning models
ElectrifAi has been the world’s leading expert in machine learning since 2004. With over 2,000 customer engagements, mostly with Fortune 500 companies, we have compiled the largest library of machine learning models.
What’s the benefit of having so many models to work from? None of our models are created from scratch, making our client’s time-to-value unrivaled. Even the most complicated business problems can be solved by using a combination of our models.
As the Telecom industry continues to develop and new opportunities arise, our technology and model capabilities are valuable and adaptable to meet growing needs while providing further uplifting benefits for prospects in this space.
Our universal models predict certain actions influenced by the business strategy of the campaign. But we don’t need to retrain or modify our models to fit the business strategy; our models target specific business requirements. If you have a business problem, our models can find the solution.
5G capabilities are a prominent effort in the Telecom space at this time that will expand for the next one to two years at a minimum. ElectrifAi current offerings provide further value to prospects addressing that need immediately. No additional effort will be required to address those initiatives.
Our models can adapt to any use case based on the logic selected from our models. There is no change needed to the turnaround time and time-to-value is minimized.
Find out how you can establish your foothold in the race to be 5G proficient through machine learning by contacting ElectrifAi today!